Is bottled Water Bad for Our Teeth?


In the present day modern lifestyle, consumption of bottled water has increased rapidly. From children to adults, we rely on them not just when we are on the go, but for everyday usage as well. Besides the controversy they have regarding the waste they generate, recent studies suggest that they lead to dental problems as well. Although the claims aren’t proved exactly, it is believed that regular consumption of bottled water can cause dental issues. The dentists in Nottingham and all around the UK suggests that bottled water are more troublesome to children, with little impact on adults.

bottled Water Bad for Our Teeth

The dental concerns caused due to continuous usage of packaged water majorly revolve around the following issues.

  • Lack Of Fluoride Causes Troubles

Before we get into the problem, it would be better to learn about how the teeth are meant to be kept healthy naturally. It is believed that an appropriate amount of fluoride is necessary to keep the enamel healthy and intact.

The tap water supplied to your home is considered much healthy as the government ensures accurate levels of fluoride in it.

Whereas the manufacturers of bottled waters have no obligations to do so or even mention it on their labels outside the bottle. Absence of this essential ion in bottled water deprives your teeth enamel of protection.

If you ever consulted a dentist, they recommend you to make sure you consume the desirable amount of fluoride to maintain healthy teeth. This is possible by the toothpaste that you use as they contain adequate levels of it.

Thus, brushing regularly ensures that your teeth aren’t deprived of fluoride.

This is extensively important to young children as lack of fluoride can even lead to a condition that can leave white spots on their teeth, referred to as hypo-fluorosis.

However, the amount required is comparatively lower than adults. So make sure to use toothpaste specially made for children, or use less amount of toothpaste.

It is necessary to take care your child doesn’t swallow the toothpaste, an excess amount of fluoride intake can cause issues as well. Certain reports suggest that children who consume non-fluoridated water are more prone to tooth decay than their counterparts.

As a concerned parent, it would be wise to invest in water purifiers rather than offering bottled water to your children on a daily basis, or at least maintain a balance of tap and bottled water.

  • Unsuitable pH Level Can Erode Teeth Enamel

A pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral and the pH level is an indicator that tells if the substance you are consuming is whether acidic (below 7) or alkaline (above 7).

As per the reports, most of the bottled water brands out there do not have a suitable pH for our consumption, ranging from pH-4 to pH-8.

It is observed that our teeth start to face serious issues such as erosion of enamel when we are consuming drinks that are below 5.5 pH. The longer our teeth are exposed to such liquids, the greater the damage is.

Although the effect of water is comparatively lesser than any other liquids such as soda or, beer or coffee, it’s better to make sure you are drinking water fit for consumption.

Once again, you can rely upon tap water as they are regulated by the government and monitored to match the acceptable parameters.

As the enamel wears away, it invites various other dental issues such as tooth decay and development of cavities. It may even lead to discoloration of teeth, leaving you with no option but to look for some teeth whitening dentist. It’s better to take precautions than t suffer later on.

Apart from the above mentioned dental issues, WHO launched health review after 90% of bottled water contained fragments of plastic fibers. Although the health concerns caused to this are still unclear, with such anomalies, it’s better not to make bottled water a primary source of drinking water. So the next time you uncap the bottled water, think if it is actually required. If you still have doubts about how it can affect your teeth, it’s advisable to consult your dentist.

Author Bio: Dr. Kalpesh Bohara is the Principal Dentist at The Dental Suite. He is counted among one of the most trusted dentists in Nottingham and carry a great experience in cosmetic and implant dentistry both in the UK and overseas. He qualified in dentistry from Dundee University, Scotland. He also holds a Diploma in Implant Dentistry and obtained membership at the faculty of dental surgeons at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh.