Top 10 Tips to Ease Morning Sickness


Pregnancy is an amazing and wondrous part of life. As a child begins to grow inside the belly of its mother, there can be many positives. However, morning sickness certainly isn’t one of them.

It is said that one out of two pregnant women suffers from morning sickness in varying intensity. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it’s reported that nearly 80 percent of women become or feel nauseous. Whilst morning sickness is a common symptom of early pregnancy it can prove to be unpleasant and can occur at any time during the day.

Morning Sickness

To help ease morning, here are 10 tips:

  1. Eat often and in smaller portions.

The nauseating feeling can occur on an empty stomach, as there is nothing for the acids to break down or turn, except for the stomach lining. Even though it can be difficult to want to eat, grazing constantly throughout the day on nuts, fruits and pretzels can really help.

  1. Monitor the morning sickness.

When you start to have morning sickness, there is most likely a trigger that isn’t at all random. So, mark in your diary or calendar when you start to feel nauseous. This can help you figure out if there’s any pattern and to see what’s causing your morning sickness. A particular time of day or even a certain type of food might be the reason why you feel nauseous.

  1. Keep drinking fluids.

If you’re struggling to keep anything down during your morning sickness, it’s important to keep drinking plenty of fluids, especially water. If you’re not careful, you can become severely dehydrated. Sports drinks can help replace electrolytes, and adding lemons or limes can naturally flavor your water.

  1. Make ginger a part of your day.

Ginger has many benefits but more importantly, it can really help soothe your stomach. The active ingredient in ginger called gingerol is naturally an anti-inflammatory and helps the digestion track. Brewing ginger tea, drinking ginger ale, eating gingerbread or even adding slices of ginger to your water, can really help ease nausea.

Also read: How to Manage Depression and Anxiety in Pregnancy?

  1. Smell some lemons.

When life gives you lemons, sniff them. Strong smells can greatly affect nausea, so lemons are a naturally strong, fresh scent that can help you relax and hopefully ease your nausea.

  1. Choose cold foods over warm foods.

Cooking some meats can cause a nauseous feeling. So, if you’re experiencing severe morning sickness, try and cook cold meals that require little preparation.

  1. Try to do some exercise.

Even though morning sickness can make it difficult to get out of bed, it is reported that low-impact exercise such as yoga or swimming can make you feel better by releasing endorphins. Exercise can also help relieve digestive pains and cramps.

  1. Avoid some foods.

Numerous foods and drinks can be the trigger for your morning sickness.

These trigger foods can include:

  • Fatty foods
  • Vegetables with a strong taste
  • Poultry, dairy products, and low-quality meat.
  1. Use calming essential oils.

Essential oils such as chamomile, lemon, peppermint, and lavender can be calming and relaxing. It is said that essential oils can help reduce cramping, increase appetite and even improve mood. Using diffusers, lighting candles or even adding a few drops of essential oils to a bath can really help you feel and smell the benefits.

  1. Use some over-the-counter supplements.

Even though there are numerous home remedies for morning sickness, over-the-counter supplements can also be very beneficial in relieving nausea. Some of these include vitamin D, calcium, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium.

Morning sickness is very natural for most pregnancies. However, if you’re suffering from severe nausea or sickness and can’t keep anything down (even water), contact a doctor as soon as possible. The severest form of morning sickness known as, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), can cause undernourishment or dehydration for you and your baby. It can be very harmful and may result in treatment in hospital.

Author Bio

Dr. Ryan Harvey is a General Practitioner providing after-hours medical care to children and families. Dr. Harvey is experienced in paediatrics and has traveled extensively, administering medical care to children in remote overseas communities. Dr. Harvey is now one of the many home doctors with House Call Doctor, an organization that provides urgent after-hours medical care to residents when their regular GP is closed.