Top Natural Home Remedies for Frequent Urination


A – General Information about Frequent urination

Frequent urination is the worst, especially at midnight, when you are in the middle of your sleep. It does not only cause annoyances but also an embarrassment. As the name suggests, frequent urination is the condition where you pee every hour, more than 10 times a day. This is the condition when your body cannot control the activity of urination, which more likely caused by overactive bladder. Another way of saying, your bladder cannot hold urine usually.

This is the common condition, many people have to share this and most likely to be noticed among Americans.

Frequent urination might come directly from overactive bladder, however, it is also caused by some other underlying health issues. Moreover, there are many more factors triggering this condition when you cannot control your bladder. The most common is probably aging, the elderly are more likely to suffer from frequent urination. Another one is because drink too much water, more than 2 or 2.5 liters a day; or in pregnant (when the fetus puts too much pressure over the bladder, cause the urge to urinate more than usual. Cystitis, obesity, nerve damage, and other diseases are also the cause of this health condition.

frequent urination

B – Home remedies for Frequent urination

Along with being annoying, frequent urination is the source that embarrasses us. Therefore, it is the best to find the way to stop this condition. Start with little changes in your routine and habit, and go along with some natural home remedies, you can totally help yourself out, curing this frequent urination without visiting doctors.

Following are the most popular and common natural home remedies for frequent urination you should apply right away to save yourself from embarrassment.

  1. Banana and Honey

When it comes to treating frequent urination, properties with the high concentration of antioxidants is good for keeping bladder clean could to the best. Also, it helps to improve the strength of muscles. Therefore, Amla is a good ingredient to make use of as one of the wonderful remedies for frequent urination. And in order to make the most of amla, banana and honey would be the best combination. These are all properties that are rich in antioxidants to clean your bladder.

Here is how to apply:

  • Choose and wash fresh amla.
  • Crush them well to get the juice.
  • Add a small amount of sugar and honey and stir them well once again.
  • Consume this smoothie right away or to leave it in the fridge.
  • Consume this mixture throughout the day, anytime you are thirsty.

You can drink this smoothie every day until frequent urination is gone. This mixture is even good for your skin, even when this health situation is gone.

  1. Pomegranate

This wonderful ingredient has long been known for being rich in anti-inflammatories and antibacterial ingredients. Moreover, pomegranate is also rich in polyphenols and anthocyanins as well as ellagic acid. Those are all great properties that give you a helping hand in cleaning bladder, which directly helps to get rid of frequent urination. You might not know but this type of fruit is also the best ingredient that saves yourself from free radicals, which leads to prostate cancer.

Here is how to make the most of this wonderful type of fruit.

  • Extract 3-6 pomegranate and put them in the grinder to get the juice.
  • Add one teaspoon honey to the juice to enhance the taste.
  • Leave that cup of pomegranate into the fridge to cool it down.
  • Drink the juice throughout the day.

Even when frequent urination is gone, you still can continue to drink this juice every day to provide more vitamin A to make your eyes and your skin brighter.

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is widely known for being rich in a high amount of beneficial bacteria, they are Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is great for preventing harmful bacteria. These bad bacteria might be caused by the act of frequent urination.

The best advice for you when you are having frequent urination is to eat yogurt daily, three times a day. The one you should go for is plain yogurt, which means no sugar added. Sugar is not at all good for your health. Therefore, never go for that products. To make it better to taste, you can add a bit of fruit to the bowl of yogurt.

  1. Eating Fiber Rich food

When frequent urination comes to you, it is more likely that you will have to go through constipation. This is the point when you need to provide your body with more fiber-rich food. They will also help you to include more of magnesium and calcium to strengthen your body. Also, it is helpful to prevent harmful bacteria generated during frequent urination.

That fiber-rich food you need to include more in your diet is rice, bananas, potatoes and so forth. Sweet potato is a very good source of fiber, you can eat them on regular basis as well.

  1. Drink water steady

We all know that water is good for our body, however, drinking too much is not the answer. Especially when you are having frequent urination, you might need to cut down on the intake water to your body. Drink enough, not too much. Also, along with drink water, you can provide your body with more water-based fruit or ingredient to make sure your body provides enough water.

All mentioned above are wonderful and great natural home remedies for frequent urination you can try on. They are easy and simple to apply without side effects and further harmful to your body. Be patient as they are safe but will take a while to get real effects. Also, you also need to see the doctor if the condition gets real serious, otherwise, your body will lose too much water.

Author Bio

Ashley Bennet is a mood matching writer and a well-trained health consultant. She has worked and trained in the field of Nutrition and Health for over 3 years, consistently providing people with useful information about nutrition as well as helping them with their common health problems.

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