Effective Home Remedies For Clogged Drain


Got your drain clogged? Don’t worry, we all have been there. No matter if it is a bathroom or kitchen sink or shower or tub drains. Whenever the water stops draining down the hole then it becomes annoying.

All the sinks and drains can get clogged for numerous reasons like trapped leftover foods from the plate, hair, or even soap residue. We never care to clean our sinks regularly until they get clogged.

So, it would be wise if we regularly keep clearing our sinks and drains from time to time to avoid their clogging for it might get worse over time.

Clogged drains may lead to water accumulating in our bathrooms and sinks. And stagnant water shall lead to the breeding of mosquitoes and other deadly insects that are responsible for causing deadly diseases like dengue, malaria, yellow fever, etc.

Clogged Drain
Image Credit: Pinterest

What to do with the clogged drains?

Water accumulating in the clogged sinks or drains not only stink, but they are also a carrier of deadly diseases. Before calling for the professionals or asking others for clogged drain remedies we can try to act upon ourselves and apply homemade techniques to clear the clogs.

So here, we share some homemade instructions that will reduce the water build-up in the pipes and allow the water to pass freely down the drain. Hopefully, with these instructions, you can find suitable clogged drain remedies.

Home remedies for clogged drains

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar and Baking Soda is one strong and effective solution to clean a clogged drain. For this, we shall need one cup one each cup of baking soda and vinegar. Then we shall pour the baking soda into a container with a handle and heat the vinegar on a medium flame for less than a minute. Then we shall pour the heated vinegar into the container too and then drop the mixture down the drain.

While pouring, we must keep the container away from our face and body to avoid accidents. This will help in loosening up all the dirt and grease and after some time, we can pour some hot water, and then we can see the clogs opening up. This is a very much apt kitchen drain clogged home remedy for this has all the kitchen ingredients.

Using a liquid drain opener

A drain opener also helps in releasing clogged pores but the price isn’t reasonable and since this is a strong chemical, this has to be protected from the children.

Boiling Water

Boiling water is also very beneficial for cleaning a clogged drain. We can boil a kettle of water and then we can pour the boiling water down the drain at intervals. We must allow the water to wash off the unnecessary grease and specks of dirt after each pour. This is the most commonly applied home remedy to clear off clogged drains.

So, these are some home remedies for clogged drains and sinks that would work wonder at most times. If not, then we must call an expert.

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Archana is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the field. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking, and she always strives to deliver content that resonates with her readers. Archana is also a passionate traveler and has visited many places across the world. She often incorporates her travel experiences into her writing, adding a unique perspective to her work.