How To Steam Broccoli In The Microwave?


Steam broccoli is a delightfully simple and nutritious meal. Not only does this contain amino acids, potassium, and calcium (one of several different nutrients), but it is also an excellent detoxifier, boosts your immune system, and can help in preventing cancer.

Fortunately, steaming broccoli is super simple. There are 3 quick steaming procedures: at a bowl, using a steamer, or in a microwave.

The time required to steam in a steamer in the microwave is usually approximately 2 to 6 minutes to get an ordinary mind. It has a maximum period of 10 minutes if the steamer is bloated or the broccoli has been cut into huge chunks.

Steam Broccoli
Image Credit: Unsplash

Boiled Broccoli Or Steam Broccoli

Boiled broccoli is suitable for soups. If you’re planning to serve broccoli for a side dish, steaming is the ideal choice to keep its vitamins and antioxidants that might be missed during the boiling procedure.

The Best Way To Steam Broccoli In The Microwave.

Undoubtedly steaming broccoli in a microwave is a fast and easy process. Microwaves are among the very best ways to cook vegetables efficiently. Here are the principles of steaming broccoli in the microwave. 

  • If you would like to eat the stalks, then be sure that you cut them smaller than bite-sized ones and eliminate some really woody pieces, so everything cooks alike.
  •  Cut the broccoli up to the dimensions you would like and put all the freshly dried broccoli in a microwave-safe bowl. For a single pound, broccoli adds 2-3 tablespoons of water.
  • Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe lid plate (prevent plastic wrapping at microwaves) and cook on high power for 2 minutes. I advise you to utilize a ceramic jar instead of a plastic wrapper.
  • Broccoli cooked in a microwave might demand a little drying or draining determined by how much liquid you’ve used and how strong the microwave is. Examine the broccoli texture after two minutes. When it is not soft enough for your liking, then place it for another two minutes.
  • After done cooking, then remove the lid CAREFULLY, as vapor will probably burn you badly.

Best Toppings For Steamed Broccoli

While steamed broccoli is delicious on its own with a little pepper and salt, your taste buds can be itching to get a little enhancement. These are the most favorite toppings for steamed broccoli.

  • Olive oil and coconut juice
  • Sautéed garlic in a little olive oil
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ground black pepper
  • Parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes
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Archana is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the field. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking, and she always strives to deliver content that resonates with her readers. Archana is also a passionate traveler and has visited many places across the world. She often incorporates her travel experiences into her writing, adding a unique perspective to her work.