Advantages of Fissure Laser Treatment over Traditional Surgical Procedures


Have you ever felt a strong pain during a bowel movement or bright red colored stain on toilet paper?

If yes, then you need to consult your doctor now, as these are some common symptoms of anorectal diseases like piles or anal fissures. An anal fissure is a small cut in the lining of the anal canal. And, piles are the swollen tissues inside or near the rectum and anus.

Based on the physical examination of the anal region, your physician can easily diagnose anal fissure. However, he/she may also recommend some tests like anoscopy, colonoscopy and more for detailed inspection.

So in case you are diagnosed with an acute anal fissure, which appears like a fresh cut, the doctor may suggest some medications, anesthetic creams or injection. However, if you have 6-8 weeks old fissure which has a small lump or fleshy growth, then its chronic anal fissure. And, antibiotics generally show no response to it.

In such cases, patients left with surgical methods only. The goal of the surgery is to decrease the pressure inside the anal sphincter as well as to increase the blood flow. This process involves cutting or incision of a small portion of the anal sphincter to relax the muscles and to reduce the pain or spasm. However, there are many risks involved in surgical methods, especially incontinence, infection and more.

So, with the advancement of technology, the medical industry brings a new approach to treat piles without any cut or incisions, laser treatment. The introduction of fissure laser treatment helps to get rid of several risks involved in conventional surgical methods. Let’s understand them one-by-one.

Fissure Laser Treatment


The biggest concern for a patient after conventional surgical treatment is incontinence. As stated earlier, surgery involves cut or incision so, there are high risks of causing damage to muscles of the anal sphincter. As a result, patients may suffer from stool incontinence or gas incontinence.

In stool incontinence, a person lost control over the discharge of stool from the rectum. He/she can’t hold the stool for a while. Similarly, in gas incontinence, damage of sphincter muscle may result in loss of control over the passage of gas.

However, in laser treatment, physician manages without any cut or damage to muscles of the anal sphincter. It reduces the chances of having incontinence after the process.


As per statics, there are negligible cases of having an infection after the laser treatment as no cut or incision is involved in the process. So, now most of the doctors are shifting their focus towards the laser treatment.


Undoubtedly, the pain of fissure is intolerable for an individual, and no one ever wants to face it again. Therefore, one needs a permanents solution for anal fissures. In the laser treatment, the controlled amount of laser energy is used to close the tear or cut so, in the majority of cases patients never go through the pain of anal fissure after the treatment.

Quicker recovery       

It is one of the most common reasons for choosing laser treatment. As in today’s day and age, it is quite difficult for a working person to have rest at home for months, so everyone prefers laser treatment to get the advantage of the quicker recovery. After 3-4 days of treatment, you can easily continue your daily routine jobs.  

No diet restrictions

As there are no stitches or bleeding involved in the laser treatment so, a patient is free to get back to his/her daily routine diet plan.

Postoperative pain  

In most of the cases of conventional surgical treatment, patients need to bear a lot of pain after the process for several days. However, the patients who undergo laser treatment don’t need to suffer post-operative pain more than 2-3 days. So, all those who are suffering from anal fissures must contact the laser surgeon as early as possible to avoid the complications during the treatment.