7 Effective Tips for Dental Care and Oral Hygiene


Poor oral hygiene could lead to health problems. In fact, you could be at risk a greater risk to heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and strokes if your oral care is not up to the mark. Studies have confirmed a linked with oral and overall health. Plus, your smile and facial charms are only as powerful and inviting as your teeth are healthy. All this shows how much important dental care and oral hygiene are for you, and there is no escaping them. Unless your teeth, gums, and mouth are not free of germs and bacteria, you won’t be healthy.


Correlation Between Good Oral Health & Living Longer

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Here are some effective tips for dental care and oral hygiene:-

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day

Your dental health is in trouble if you don’t brush twice a day. With once-a-day brushing routine, you will not be able to remove all those plaque, food particles and bacteria that come up after meals you take. So, brushing before sleeping becomes important in helping you stay on top of your dental health. More importantly, you must brush using right techniques where cleaning gently and thoroughly and reaching to all parts of the teeth can help clean out things stuck between the teeth or in the mouth.

  1. Floss daily

Your daily routine of brushing is neither complete nor effective unless you do floss as well. Because a toothbrush and its bristles are not designed to reach between your teeth and take out food particles from the inner portion of the teeth. Only flossing can do that where you use a flosser or a thin string and clean between the teeth quite easily. Floss can enter the crevices where your toothbrush can’t, and this is how a complete cleaning is achieved.

  1. Tongue cleaning and mouth rinsing

Your tongue is where the most bacteria reside and grow. And if you don’t clean that part of the mouth, this means your oral health is always at a serious risk. You can use either your toothbrush or a scraper and clean the tongue gently once a day and remove all the bacteria and plaque. This is how oral health risks can be minimized greatly. Similarly, it’s a good habit to rinse the mouth after every meal or after you eat something. This way you don’t allow plaque build up and protect your teeth and gums form harms.

  1. Limit the sugar

Too much sugar is bad for your teeth. If possible, you should limit the sugar intake, or increase your oral care to minimize the concerned risks. Any sugary item or starchy foods can lead to plaque and bacteria build up in the mouth. Sugar feeds on bacteria and form acids which can erode the enamel. Sugar is not good for your oral health in any form, be it sports drinks, juices, soft drinks, tea, coffee etc. And if you can’t resist sugar temptation, start giving more care to your teeth and gums.

  1. Use fluoride and mouthwash

Dentists recommend using only a fluoride-containing toothpaste to strengthen your tooth enamel and to avoid any root canal treatment cost. Only this kind of toothpaste can help you fight off tooth decay risk and ensure superior oral health. In the same way, you can use an anti-bacterial mouthwash to swish or rinse the mouth and kill off all the acid-causing bacteria in the mouth. Both these activities should be part of your regular oral care routine to let you maintain your oral hygiene easily and effectively.

  1. Eat and drink right

Apples are great for your teeth and gums, so do carrots, kale, spinach, almonds, cheese, milk etc. Dentists urge people to eat crunchy food items, fibrous fruits and vegetables and any food that is crunchy. Consuming candies, chips, chocolate should be a big no when the goal is healthy teeth and disease-free gums. More so, drinking anything that is sugary or acidic in nature can harm your teeth and gums alike. So, stay away from tea, coffee, liquor and maintain your dental health.

  1. Consult the dentist regularly

The dentist is the first person to know whether your dental health is good, though only after check-up and analysis. He/she will advise on the best course of treatment if you have bad teeth; he will help you with ceramic veneers or tooth whitening or braces, anything you need. Plus, regular dental visits can help you know if any problem is developing within. So, don’t avoid dental visits and maintain oral health.

Author Bio:

Nitesh is a well-known health blogger with specialization in oral care and dental hygiene. He regularly posts on treatments for any problem with teeth, gums or mouth. You can benefit from his domain knowledge, know about root canal treatment cost and plan your oral care easily.