5 Road-Trip Tips To Travel With Your Cat


Some road trips are smooth and bumpy. Having a furry cat as a co-traveler is a good chance to bond with the feline mammal. Driving with your cat may not sound appealing. A cat, when conditioned well for a car ride, will love it for sure.

Summers and holidays are vacation time. Many of us venture out for a road trip over the weekend. It can be long-distance travel. The challenge is to make it fun and likable for the cat. Let us know some handy tips to make the cat’s next road trip safest and trouble-free.

5 Road Trip Tips To Travel With Your Cat

1.   Get Your Cat to be Comfortable with Road Travel 

Cats settle between indoors or a daytime walk. The chances of traveling long distances is not an everyday affair for them. So, preparing them for road travel should be your first task.

As starters, sit with your cat in the rear seat of the car. Allow it to sniff the car seat, let it get a feel of the car ambiance and interiors, stroke the cat. Make your cat explore the car ahead of the road journey.

Put on some relaxing music, pamper it with a few treats, and place the cat on the seat where it will be when you start the car. Start with a few rides to let the cat get accustomed to the road trip.    

2.   Take Your Cat to The Vet for Pre-Drive Treatment

Cats responding well to the car driver is not a surety. Anxiety and motion sickness is likely to happen to the cat. Before setting out for a cross-country drive, take your feline family member to a professional vet to explore relaxant options for the long haul. This will help bring a comforting feel to your cat.

Cats have a scratching tendency. It is a spontaneous need for them. So, buy premium cat scratchers to protect your fancy possessions from damage. 

3.   Feed your Pet before the Road Journey

Before leaving for the road, we as humans fill our bellies to last till the hunger hour. You need to do the same with your cat. Feed your kitten on the daily diet – food, nibbles, water before starting the road journey with the animal. 

If the pesky anxiety makes your cat feel weak from uneasiness, feed it with a light diet. If you expect your cat to fall sick on the road journey, avoid feeding with food at least eight hours before the drive.   

4.   Carry a Travel Litter Box

Before starting for the road, plan out the bathroom break logistics of your kitty. Since the two of you are on the road, a midway motel is a workable place to take a break, something your cat may not admire much.

A travel litter box and a litter attractant are an efficient way to fulfill your kitty’s needs. The size of a litter box should be a comfortable fit for your car. In case of a size mismatch of the portable stress-free box, buy an appropriate size in the visiting hotel. A collapsible litter box allows easier storage in the car, home, or any venue.

5.   Update Cat’s Documentation for Road Trip

Road travel is not meant for humans, but it’s the same for pets too. Your kitty should be in the car with a breakaway collar and an identification tag on the crate with words like ‘Live Animal.’ You can also get your cat microchipped as well.

The cat identification tag should also have the name, mobile phone, and address of the owner. It is not just proof of the cat’s identity but is a tip to keep the pet safe while traveling the road or sky. So, program your phone with travel information updates related to cats.

Pro Tips for your Cat

Before preparing for road and air travel, look into these elements for a fruitful road journey with your kitty.     

  • Avoid buying a fragranced litter to avoid a sense of irritation to your cat’s nose.
  • The cardboard carrier for your cat is ancient. Look outside of the ‘nuts and bolts’ pet carriers. Switch to top-load pet kennels or two-door versions with easy to open and close latches. These new options facilitate secure entry and exit for your pet. For air travel, make sure the pet carrier can fit under the seat.
  • Plan pit stops. Your kitty may enjoy the view of the outside world, but it has to fulfill its natural urge ern-route.
  • Take extra supplies of food and water in the car for your cat. Put a medicine box as well for emergencies.
  • Play music in a soft tone when behind the steering wheel.
  • Cats should not have a problem with short-term travel by car. Before long distances, make your cat exercise for a few minutes to gain flexibility and stretch.  
  • Update your cat’s microchip information on the collar. It should be easy-to-read.
  • Call your hotel to confirm if they allow pets to stay and any vet doctor they have on the panel for emergency vet medical help.  


Road-trips may not be a routine exercise for the home cats. But they bring a sense of adventure for the animal. Create a happy and friendly atmosphere in the car through music, eatables. Life is a journey, so make your cat enjoy the trip, but with safety and precautions.

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Archana is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the field. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking, and she always strives to deliver content that resonates with her readers. Archana is also a passionate traveler and has visited many places across the world. She often incorporates her travel experiences into her writing, adding a unique perspective to her work.