5 Dental Diseases That Can Strike When You’re Healing


When your immune system is compromised and your body is under stress, dental diseases can occur in the blink of an eye. Here is a quick look at four of the most common oral health complications and a few steps that you can take to avoid those issues.

Dental Diseases

Gum Disease

According to the CDC, nearly half of all American adults have some form of gum disease, and that makes it one of the most prevalent diseases in the country. Even though this condition is preventable in most situations, many people develop gum disease when they are struggling with other health issues. In order to treat gum disease, you must stick to impeccable oral hygiene habits. That includes brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash at least two or three times a day. Gum disease is easily avoided with proper, regular brushing and flossing. Take the time to take care of your oral health each day and your mouth will thank you.

Xerostomia (Dry Mouth)

When you are sick or taking certain medications, you might develop a condition known as xerostomia. This disease takes place when your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva, and it can have a huge impact on your oral health. Untreated xerostomia will increase your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and halitosis. To treat xerostomia, you will need to visit a dentist who can uncover the root causes of your dry mouth. Your dentist might prescribe certain medications or suggest that you make lifestyle changes such as drinking more water.

Tooth Decay

If you aren’t able to brush and floss every day, then you could end up with some form of tooth decay. This condition usually starts off as a minor cavity, but it can quickly evolve into a serious infection that is extremely uncomfortable. Once tooth decay has developed, a dentist will need to remove all of the damaged material. They will then be able to cover the affected area with a filling, veneer, or crown. Avoiding these things can be simple if you use mouthwash daily, in addition to brushing and flossing. Your pearly whites are important to your overall health, so be sure to take care of them at all times.

Cold Sores

A cold sore is an inflamed blister that usually develops on the lips, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus. After you have been exposed to the herpes virus, you will carry it for the rest of your life, and cold sores could occur whenever your immune system is compromised. While cold sores are not necessarily dangerous, many patients find them to be unsightly. They are incredibly painful too, which makes them even more undesirable. To avoid cold sores and even cankers, you can use neem oil and coconut oil to keep your mouth free of bacteria that can cause these to occur. The most effective way to treat a cold sore is to immediately ice the area as soon as you notice any blisters.

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath occurs more often when your mouth is dry and not just because of garlic you might eat or other strong smelling spices. Not only is bad breath unpleasant to the senses, but a dry mouth also has more bacteria in it and mucus membranes may be affected because of the lack of moisture. If you want to avoid all of these dental diseases, then you need to schedule at least one dental checkup a year. Your dentist will be able to catch and treat most of these health complications in their earliest stages, and that will allow you to avoid major problems down the road.