Why You Should Cook The Chicken At Proper Internal Temperature?


Chicken is finished cooking when it’s interior temperature arrives at 165ºF (75ºC). Cooking chicken to an inside temperature of 165ºF isn’t just a proposal; it’s likewise an issue of sanitation, as half-cooked chicken can cause salmonella disease.

Accordingly, guaranteeing that chicken arrives at the best possible inner temperature is essential to dodge foodborne sickness.

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Cooking Times Chart for Cooking Perfect Chicken

Cooking time is the time allotment it takes for a chicken to cook through. The cooking time relies upon the temperature of the meat going in and the thickness of the meat. By and large, the cooking time will be longer if the temperature is lower. 

Remember that cooking time and cooking temperature are straightforwardly related. Cooking chicken at a lower temperature will expect you to cook it for more. Whatever cooking time and cooking temperature you pick, consistently ensure the interior temperature of your chicken arrives at 165ºF, else, it will be half-cooked and conceivably risky to eat. 

As indicated by the USDA, these are the estimated cooking times for various cuts of chicken are:

Bosom parts, bone-in 

  • Weight: 6-8oz 
  • Broiling Time (at 350ºF): 50-60 min 
  • Stewing Time: 35-40 min 
  • Flame broiling Time: 45-55 min/side 

Bosom parts, boneless 

  • Weight: 4oz 
  • Broiling Time (at 350ºF): 30-30 min 
  • Stewing Time: 25-30 min 
  • Flame broiling Time: 6-8 min/side 

Legs or thighs 

  • Weight: 4-8oz 
  • Cooking Time (at 350ºF): 40-50 min 
  • Stewing Time: 40-50 min 
  • Flame broiling Time: 10-15 min/side


  • Weight: 4oz 
  • Cooking Time (at 350ºF): 35-45 min 
  • Stewing Time: 40-50 min 
  • Flame broiling Time: 8-12 min/side 


  • Weight: 2-3oz 
  • Cooking Time (at 350ºF): 30-40 min 
  • Stewing Time: 35-45 min 
  • Flame broiling Time: 8-12 min/side 

While time and temperature are significant, the cooking times and cooking temperatures in plans are simply rules. The more experienced and gifted you become in the kitchen, the better prepared you’ll be to change your way to deal with the ideal outcomes.

Instructions to Use a Meat Thermometer

A meat thermometer is the simplest and most effective approach to know whether your chicken is completely cooked. 

Addition the thermometer into the thickest aspect of the winged animal, similar to a thigh or under a bosom. Abstain from embeddings it into fat, bone, or cartilage. On the off chance that the temperature peruses 165ºF, it’s completely cooked and safe to eat. 

Guarantee that the juices run clear. On the off chance that the juices run pink, the chicken has not got done with cooking. Return the winged creature to the warmth source if fundamental and check like clockwork until it’s completely cooked. At the point when completed, clean the thermometer with hot lathery water to dodge salmonella. 

Keep in mind: A chicken is possibly viewed as completely cooked when the whole feathered creature arrives at the protected temperature of 165ºF. Continuously check the thickest aspect of the feathered creature, similar to a thigh or under a bosom, to completely guarantee doneness.

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Archana is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the field. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking, and she always strives to deliver content that resonates with her readers. Archana is also a passionate traveler and has visited many places across the world. She often incorporates her travel experiences into her writing, adding a unique perspective to her work.