How to Recover From an Eating Disorder and Become Healthy Again


Eating disorders can take many forms, be it bulimia nervosa, binge eating, or anorexia. Knowing you have a problem is good, but wanting to do something about it is even better. Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or someone you care about, it is possible for a person to recover from their eating disorder and regain their health.

eating disorder

Admit You Have a Problem

Admitting you have an eating disorder is where you need to start. If this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s one of the first steps in recovery from alcoholism. An eating disorder is totally and completely different than an alcohol addiction though. However, this principle can help those suffering from eating disorders as well.

Successful treatment of quite a few other addictions or disorders has been based on the 12 Steps, and you can lean on them for wisdom, guidance, and strength. Admitting that you have a problem you cannot control is the first step in recovery. This is the place where you start, so be sure to have plenty of loved ones around you to help support you. There is always more success when you have the support you need.

Get Eating Disorder Treatment

You might not think that you can possibly finish treatment successfully and get back to a healthy lifestyle. However, eating disorder treatment is available, and it can provide you with the tools, support, and coping mechanisms you need to get through this journey. In many cases, just starting is harder than actually finishing it, so it really is the biggest step.

An eating disorder is a mental health problem, that is where it begins. When it comes to mental health challenges, you need all the help you can get. Keep yourself open to change, and realize that those around you are there to support you, not to tell you what to do. This is something you should keep in mind before, during, and after your treatment.

Be Patient With Yourself

Your eating disorder probably didn’t happen overnight. Your recovery won’t either. As you make progress with your condition, you might wind up struggling in other areas until your underlying issues are properly accounted for.

Recovery is rarely a straight line or a smooth process. Just be patient and persistent at the same time, and you will find your way. This is an incredibly important part of dealing with any challenge, but is definitely and extremely important to keep in mind at all times. Recovery will have its bumps and bruises, but it is still much better than suffering.

Practice Boundaries

As you learn how to eat healthy again, personal boundaries are going to become a very big thing. You’ll have to set and follow them in regards to what you eat, when you eat, and possibly how much. However, you’ll also need to set and maintain boundaries with people.

Certain individuals might have contributed to your eating disorder, and others might make your recovery harder. Most of all, you have to set them with yourself so you can be self-accountable with enough time. Just remember to always treat yourself with the compassion you rely on from others. This is an incredibly important thing to keep in mind during your treatment.

In the course of your treatment for your eating disorder, you’ll likely meet people who have battled these same conditions and recovered successfully. You’ll also learn the stories of others who have done the same. Keep them in mind while you go through your own recovery, and you can join the ranks of those who have regained their health.

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Archana is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the field. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking, and she always strives to deliver content that resonates with her readers. Archana is also a passionate traveler and has visited many places across the world. She often incorporates her travel experiences into her writing, adding a unique perspective to her work.