How To Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Ayurveda


According to Ayurveda, your wellbeing and health depend on your ability to assimilate whatever you take in from the surroundings. This includes food, drinks, experiences, emotions, and impressions perceived through your five senses. Agni in Sanskrit is a digestive fire to break down food and substances you take in from your environment. Useful components are assimilated while the other is eliminated.

How To Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Ayurveda

Strong and powerful Agni encourages the creation of healthy tissues. Elimination of waste products leads to the production of Ojas, a vital essence. According to Ayurveda, Ojas is the foundation for immunity, physical strength, and perception clarity.

Lack of physical activity, negative energy, and unhealthy lifestyle weakens Agni. This hampers the digestion process leading to the production of toxins in the body. Ama is a toxin residue stored in the body. This is the significant cause of various illnesses including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Understanding IBS

This is a major cause of absence at work after a common cold. Many Australians experience unpleasant effects of IBS with constipation, gas, cramps, bloating, and diarrhea. Sometimes, you can have alternating diarrhea and constipation.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not a serious health problem but causes nutritional deficiencies and inflammation that progress into colitis and cancer. Additionally, living with this condition is very unnerving and uncomfortable.

Ayurvedic approach in managing IBS

This considers body imbalances to result from three body humours but treatable with appropriate balancing therapies. The IBS specialist will offer you tailor-made treatment. This emphasizes on avoiding the illness and coping with resisting an unhealthy lifestyle.

Ayurvedic supplements might be recommended to stimulate your healing process. The treatment makes the body stronger and able to fight disease. This makes Ayurveda a wonderful therapy for chronic symptoms.

Another Ayurvedic approach to managing IBS is personal therapy. This might require using hot water, single seasoning powder, or a combination of pills. You might even require undergoing a detox. The doctor might suggest herbal treatment to adjust living alijd and appropriate eating habits.

A professional Ayurvedic practitioner will examine you and assess your general health before prescribing the appropriate therapy. Treatment of Agni requires careful observation and recommending appropriate treatment to match your needs.

Western approach to IBS treatment

When you visit a regular doctor to treat IBS, an array of tests are carried out to rule out more serious issues. You are likely to be prescribed medication to manage the condition symptomatically. These medications might include:

  • Laxatives
  • Fiber supplement
  • Anti-depressants
  • Anti-spasmodics
  • Anti-diarrhoeal drugs

Other approaches to managing IBS

Behavioral changes

Depression and stress disrupt Agni function leading to IBS. Regular exercise is necessary to strengthen the body for Agni to eliminate stress from the body. Other habits beneficial for strengthening the mind and stress resistance include yoga and medication.

Additionally, Ayurveda recommends a systematic regimen including seasonal lines and daily rules to avoid IBS through lifestyle change. Supplements might also be necessary to detox the body.

These eliminate undigested and deformed metabolites from the body. Additionally, the supplements naturally cleanse the body channels and support efficacy. 

Lifestyle changes to consider include

  • Beginning mind-body therapy
  • Bringing daily routine into your life
  • Increasing intake of dietary fibers
  • Restoring a healthy balance of bacteria in the GI tract
  • Identifying and removing food intolerances from your diet.
  • Becoming aware that IBS is not a life-threatening health problem
  • Understanding the right food is and its preparation and combination

Adjust your diet                                   

Poor eating habits directly affect Agni. Ensure to take meals at regular intervals to limit this. Equally important is to avoid foods including junk, allergic, and difficult to digest. Since everyone has own body condition, Ayurveda recommends a diet appropriate to your body requirements.

A qualified practitioner in Melbourne will suggest the appropriate diet for you. Additionally, the practitioner recommends nutrients you should tolerate less during the consultation.  

Home remedies   

You can manage IBS resultant diarrhea by eating a lot of yogurt with active bacteria including acidophilus. This replenishes good bacteria that keep harmful bacteria under control. Additionally, a cup of peppermint tea lessens spasms, relaxes the intestines, and lessens gas pain.

Opt for natural peppermint tea but not peppermint flavoring. Alternatively, you can take peppermint oil flavored capsules. A capsule or two or three times daily between meals is essential.

You can also take ginger tea to get relief from IBS. Ginger has properties that soothe various digestive issues. A cup of this fresh tea includes half spoon of grated ginger in hot water left to steep for about 10 minutes. Afterward, strain the ginger out before drinking. Take about four to six cups of ginger tea regularly for better results.


Ayurveda focuses on complete health and wellbeing. It encourages complete mental, physical, and social wellbeing without risk of infirmity or disease. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is very unnerving and uncomfortable to live with.

Fortunately, Ayurveda has the potential to manage the root cause of IBS without just managing the symptoms, unlike the western approach. A qualified practitioner will recommend a tailor-made therapy to match your condition.

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Archana is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the field. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking, and she always strives to deliver content that resonates with her readers. Archana is also a passionate traveler and has visited many places across the world. She often incorporates her travel experiences into her writing, adding a unique perspective to her work.