How to Feel Comfortable in Long Distance Driving?


Holidays are coming and everyone is excited to take advantage of long weekend breaks. It is no surprise that travel is the best way to spend the days off from work or school. Families are planning to travel a different state and reunite with their relatives that they haven’t seen for years; some people go out and have fun with their friends; others go backpacking and try some cool adventures; while the rest would take long drives and enjoy every place they pass by. A long distance driving requires a lot of preparation – from checking your vehicle’s entirety to checking your packed things and everything else in between, driving and preps will exhaust you for sure. So here are tips to make you feel comfortable when driving for hours.

Long distance driving

✔ Make a travel plan

The most important part of traveling alone or with the company is to make sure you plan ahead of your leaving. Create an itinerary to plot your way and take convenient routes. It’s also important to know a little background of all the places you want to visit. Set your GPS device to make sure you keep the right road. Know the filling stations around you so you can plan for stopovers whenever you need to.

✔ Install your seats with covers.

Don’t forget to install your car seat covers especially when you’re planning to take your playful kids or your pets with you. This will help you protect your car seats from inevitable dirt and stains while on the road.

✔ Sleep the night before your travel

Long distance driving requires the strength and presence of mind. So it’s a general rule for drivers not to drive when they’re sleepless and tired. Make sure you took a sound sleep the night before you leave to regain your strength and agility.

✔ Wear something comfortable

Driving would be a lot easier when you wear something that comforts your sitting. Do not wear too tight pants/jeans to ease your lower abdomen. Loose and stretchable bottoms will make you feel more comfortable to sit for hours. While for women, you can keep those high-heeled shoes with you but never ever wear them when you drive. Wear flats instead to easily feel the pedal and brake controls of your vehicle.

You wouldn’t notice how the sunlight strikes your arms especially when you have those tinted windows but staying under the sun for a while may still damage your skin so better apply sunblock cream for every two hours when driving on daytime.

✔ Do not drive alone

Some people don’t allow anyone else to drive their vehicles but when driving a long distance, it’s good to bring someone who knows how to drive well as much as you do and someone you can trust and share your steering wheel with. You need to rest your arms and legs after driving for hours to avoid cramps or spasms. Asking for someone else to drive will give you time to take a nap and recharge.

Related: Know the Top 10 Travel Tips When You Plan a Solo Trip

✔ Have a snack and drink to stay hydrated

Although experts won’t allow you to eat and drink a lot during long drives since stopovers and restrooms aren’t found everywhere, you still need to fill your body with fluid to stay hydrated especially during summer getaways. Do not eat while driving especially when you think you’re not that pro in multi-tasking. You may lose your focus once you feel the hunger so look for stopover lanes where you can eat peacefully. Go for light snacks like biscuits, granola bars, mixed almonds, and nuts, or fruits that can boost your energy.

✔ Bring a headrest pillow with you

To make you feel more comfortable, rest your nape with a pillow behind you. This will reduce the tendency of back aches from sitting for a lengthy period of time.

Article By: Sarah Contreras

Sarah is a full-time blogger focusing on areas of lifestyle and health development. She also writes for Wetseat Neoprene Car Seat Covers, Australia’s most trusted shop for car accessories. What motivates Sarah to keep writing is her passion of providing information to all readers out there.