4 Tips for Staying Active After Foot Surgery


Life can be difficult for those who just underwent foot surgery. One important issue that this group will need to worry about is staying active. There are also emotional needs to take into consideration. Most people who have had foot surgery will want to get back to their old self as soon as possible.

Yes, you will need to listen to your podiatrist and take things easy for a bit. But you can still be active while you recover from your surgery. Try at least some of these options to see if you can use any of them on your healing journey.

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Exercise Your Brain During The Recovery Process

Once the foot surgery is behind you, try and take your mind off of getting active as much as you can. Collect a bunch of books and movies and take this time to relax. If you must make improvements during the recovery process, read books that relate to the healing of your injury in some way.

You can also read books on diet and nutrition or some other topics related to self-improvement. You might also want to consider doing puzzles and other problem-solving games to keep your brain active as your body rests.

Pay Attention To Your Diet

Since your mobility is limited, you will need to pay even more attention to your diet and nutrition. Some of the more nutrient-dense foods promote healing, so take great care in including these foods in your diet as you heal.

Some of the foods that you can include in your daily eating plan include fresh juices (not those that come from concentrate) and up to eight servings of fruit.

Some foods to keep out of your diet include those that promote inflammation. Some of these food items include foods that have a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, hot peppers, potatoes, and white flour. Lack of movement may also lead to weight gain, so be careful not to overeat.


An arm bike can really provide you with a lot of physical benefits as you recover from foot surgery. You will not only get in a great cardio workout but using this type of bike will help you deal with the stress that comes with having a foot injury. This can also be a good time to focus on workouts to strengthen your core. There are plenty of workouts you can do without being on your feet.

Preoccupy Yourself

You can still keep yourself busy while your foot recovers. Try to go about your day as you normally would. Attend events and get out of the house when possible.

Schedule time to go to dinner with your friends. This will make recovery go by quicker, keep you active, and keep your mind off the pain and stress.

You don’t have to turn into a couch potato just because you underwent foot surgery. By taking precautions and modifying certain exercises for your current condition, you can stay active while not running the risk of re-injuring your foot.