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What Is Shockwave Therapy And How It Is Done?

Suppose you have hurt yourself or injured yourself in any way then shockwave therapy comes to your rescue. It is a non-invasive treatment where low energetic acoustic waves are made to pass through your injured area directly or maybe through the skin. It was actually developed from the idea where it was believed that sound waves could break down gall bladder stones and help in the treatment of kidneys. If you have chronic pains, then shockwave therapy would be able to provide you with great relief.

They are usually used for the treatment of chronic diseases only where painkillers would not suffice. With the help of shockwave theory, your own natural body healing process is initiated or made to progress than its normal speed. Many people say that their mobility or their chronic pains have reduced after attending their first shockwave therapy session.

What is the Mechanism of Action for Shockwave Therapy?

Suppose you have pain in your neck or maybe you have injured your leg, shockwave therapy helps you to regain your old physical strength. It is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to the different tissues where you have gotten injured and to the painful spots.

Mainly shockwave therapy is given when the pain is chronic, subacute and/or subchronic. Now, you may ask what happens by passing such high energy frequency through the injured parts.

It mainly helps in the regeneration and reparative process of the bones, tissues and the joints which have gotten injured. Some basic characteristics of shockwave therapy change in pressure and high amplitude.

The kinetic energy of the projectile which has been created by the compressed air is then transferred to the transmitter present. The wave then travels to the end of the applicator and then enters the tissue or the place that had been injured.

What is the Sequence of Shockwave Theory?

Shockwave therapy is a very easy procedure and you do not have to get admitted to the hospital. But it is always recommended that you refrain yourself from any kind of tough physical activity for the next 48 hours mainly in the treated region.

If you think that you have to go through some kind of pain during the procedure, then you are absolutely wrong.

It has been observed that immediately after shockwave therapy people start feeling relieved. But after a few hours, you may feel some sourness which would eventually go away. Otherwise, it is a very safe and sound procedure now universally used everywhere.

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