What is the best way to find a good doctor?


Finding a good doctor is one of those important life tasks. Once you find a good doctor that cares for your needs correctly, you’ll never look back. However, it’s not as easy as you might think. Here are some tips to help you find the right doctor for you.

good family doctor

Ask around

The first step is to ask around. Ask your friends or family for their recommendations and you might be able to skip the rest of the steps. Alternatively, if you’ve just moved to a new area, ask your neighbors or post in a local forum. This is one of the best and quickest ways to find a new doctor. However, be aware that what works for someone else, might not work for you.

Choose locally if possible

Finding a doctor locally might limit your options but it makes accessing healthcare much easier. You don’t want to have to drive an hour to get a check-up, especially when you’re not feeling well. The best doctor is often one that is close to your home. Choosing a local doctor will also encourage you to keep appointments.

Make sure you’ve got coverage

The next step is to make sure that the doctor works within your healthcare plan. If you have a healthcare plan with your job, you need to ensure that the doctor will accept you. Most plans will charge more if you choose a doctor outside of your coverage. This step might lead you to changing your healthcare plan.

Do your research

For some reason, people often neglect this part of the process. People spend hours reading reviews of a new kitchen tool they’re planning to buy but fail to check out their doctor. Sometimes, you can find public reviews of specific doctors online. If this isn’t possible, you should look into their background. For example, look at their certifications and education.

Check out their premises

It’s important to feel as comfortable as possible when visiting the doctor. That means they need to have clean and well-kept premises. You don’t want to visit a doctor’s office that feels unclean. Check the quality of their medical instruments and inspect the cleaning procedures. It’s okay to be overly cautious at this stage.

Place a cold call

You can tell a lot about a business by the way they answer the phone. If they are warm and friendly, you can bet that the office is a well-run and professional establishment. If you are greeted with rudeness, alarm bells should be ringing in your head.

Go for a routine check-up

The best way to judge the quality of a doctor is to go for a routine check-up. This will give you a comprehensive view of their practice and bedside manner. You might have to register with a doctor to get a routine check-up but sometimes it’s possible to book a one-off appointment.

Keep your needs in mind

When choosing a new doctor, it’s important to keep your needs in mind. For example, if you have chronic pain because of a sporting injury, it might be best to go to a specialist. However, if your needs are more general, you should consider a doctor that covers everything.