6 Effective Winter Care Tips For Senior Citizens


Winters emerge with never-ending festivities, lots of fun, and mouth-watering delicacies. As the holiday season arrives, you are likely to feel overwhelmed by the celebrations. That’s when you forget to take care of the most important thing i.e., Our self. Older adults are more likely to face winter after-effects when the festivities take over.

The dull and dry weather affects your body and makes it dehydrated. Also, it damages the largest organ of your body, thereby causing dermatological ailments. To keep yourself safe and sound, you must keep a few things in check. From warming up yourself now and then to taking lukewarm showers, you must do it all.

Senior citizens need to ensure better winter care while enjoying festive dinners and parties. Not only will this keep them away from aggravations, but also make them enjoy the festival better. Stay away from snow and wear the right quality woolen clothes to keep the cold away. Also, moisturize well and keep your skin soft and glowing all the time.

Keep reading to know the six useful winter care tips for elders to sail through the cold.

Keep Yourself Warm & Cozy

Keep Yourself Warm & Cozy

Winter season is the time when hypothermia attains its peak level. Older people are the ones who are most prone to the consequences of hypothermia. A sudden decrease in body temperature for a longer duration of time can lead to drastic health effects. Not only does it make your skin dull and dry, but it also decreases the functioning of internal organs.

From nausea to constant headaches, you are likely to suffer through it all. To keep yourself away from the excessive cold, you must wear warm and fuzzy clothes. You can opt for layering various clothes for this purpose. If you’re someone who’s over 60 years of age, you must take extensive measures to protect your body from hypothermic states.

Don’t Give Up Hydration

Don’t Give Up Hydration

One of the most challenging tasks during the cold weather is keeping yourself hydrated. Due to the dry weather, you are less likely to feel thirsty.

Further, this leads to higher degrees of dehydration and dryness. You must keep your body well-hydrated as your physiological systems must at least 2 to 3L of water daily. Also, keep the temperature of your water in check.

You can keep the throat diseases in control by staying away from excessive cold water. Warm water is the ideal one for this season. Along with this, don’t compromise on the quantity of the water.

Other alternatives to warm water are lukewarm water or lemonade. Fill up a bottle with lemonade and keep drinking it now and then.

Use Lukewarm Water

Use Luke Warm Water

Everybody loves a hot, lukewarm water shower during cold temperatures. You would be surprised to know that this water has some unique skin benefits as well.

It protects your body from scaly skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and related flare-ups. Also, you are less likely to feel cold after showering with this special variety. All you need to do is warm the water up and enjoy your sizzling showers.

Lukewarm water is an excellent moisturizing agent that makes your skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Replace the regular hot showers with lukewarm one for better holistic health and skin. Not only will this keep you warm, but also avoid extensive dryness and scaly lesions.

Moisturize Your Skin Well

Moisturize Your Skin Well

For all the senior citizens out there, moisturization is the most crucial aspect of the cold weather. Not only does it prevent extra wrinkle formation, but it also keeps your skin soft and glowing. Extreme cold weather has some drastic effects on your skin.

One such effect is the transformation of soft skin into a dry and dehydrated one. Also, this is the time when specific dermatological ailments like psoriasis and eczema meet peak levels. To stay away from the flare-ups, you must moisturize as much as you can.

Apart from the moisturization, please stick to a winter skincare routine. Involve some essential processes like hydration, exfoliation, and moisturization.

Don’t forget your heels and palms as the winter season approaches. You can stay away from the foot pain by riding a 4 wheel mobility scooter. Along with better support, it acts as an easy and fun medium to travel.

Exercise To Keep The Pain Away

Exercise To Keep The Pain Away

One of the most challenging tasks during the cold season is working out. You might want to curl up in your bed and sleep under the warm blankets. To keep the muscle strains and body aches away, you must exercise.

All you need to do is find the right exercise that elevates your heart rate and improves circulation. Also, don’t forget to walk every day as it acts as a stress-buster. Regular workout counters depression, lethargy, and keeps your body active throughout the day. So, head out and walk a few miles to kick-start the day on a good note.

Make Some Dietary Modifications

5 Tips for Supplementing Your Diet

People tend to overlook the essential dietary changes that the winters call for. As the cold weather approaches, you must incorporate fruits rich in vitamins in your diet. Also, make sure to get more sun during this time. Not only will this elevate Vitamin D intake, but also keep you warmer.

Other foodstuffs that you must incorporate into your diet are fish like salmon and tuna. Watching the diet during this weather can prove to be beneficial in countering the cold. Overall, stick to warm food and enjoy the bonfire nights.

Final Verdict

Enjoying the winter season is something that almost everybody looks forward to. Along with the enjoyment, you must not ignore the requirements. Winter calls for some dietary, physical as well as social changes. Keep your skin moisturized and well-nourished in the cold weather.

Also, stay hydrated to prevent psoriasis or eczema flare-ups. It helps in controlling the winter rashes and excessive itching in the moist areas. In the end, exercise as much as you can for an active and healthy lifestyle.

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Archana is a professional content writer with over five years of experience in the field. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking, and she always strives to deliver content that resonates with her readers. Archana is also a passionate traveler and has visited many places across the world. She often incorporates her travel experiences into her writing, adding a unique perspective to her work.