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Here Are 8 Reasons Why You Should Join a Group Fitness Class

Group Fitness Class


Working your body out with physical exercises and routines, you give yourself some time to get in shape and to have a healthier body, mind, and lifestyle. Doing it on your own is a freeing task, wherein you can choose when, where and how you’ll do your physical workouts. That’s the benefit of doing it alone, but do you know that being in a group also has a lot of advantages?

There are group fitness classes you can enroll in. There, you’ll be with other people aiming to have a physically fit and healthy body just like you. All of you, as a group, will be coached by an instructor. You might be hesitant to be part of such groups, just like some are, but there really are great profits you can get. Here are 8 reasons for you to join:



When you’re in a group fitness class, you get to interact with other people. You meet new faces and discover things about them. It’s like being in a classroom in a school; students get used to each other as time goes by, and they become a family. It’s the same in a group fitness class; you meet strangers with the same goal in mind like you as you workout.

You get to spend time, to learn about each other’s lives and not only exercise-related stuff. You form new relationships that last even outside the gym or fitness center. You form a new family in the group fitness class.  



Exercising with a group of other people is much happier than when you’re doing it alone at home. You can better enjoy the time even though it’s tiring because everybody’s enjoying too as exercising, as it is, makes everybody feels good.

An atmosphere of enthusiasm mixed with happiness is created when you’re exercising others. You feel like you’re a dance group rehearsing for a performance. It’s fun because you’re not alone and lonely as you get to meet new people.



In school, you have a teacher. In the group fitness class, you have a fitness coach (instructor) who will be guiding you throughout your fitness journey. From the first day to last, your progress will be monitored.

Having a coach is also very motivating to fitness students because coaches know how to lighten up the mood and to energize the participants, which is very important when working out since it’s challenging. With a coach, you can workout in proper postures and a proper process unlike when you’re just reading instructions online.



Since your class has a fitness coach, you do not bring your own routines from home to the class. The coach prepares them to teach you. If you’re just on your own, watching fitness videos and imitating them, it’s not guaranteed that you’re doing right or following the process well.

With a fitness coach, you won’t be doing the few routines you know at home over and over again. You’ll discover and experience fresh routines which can even maximize your physical capability and flexibility.



Your fitness classmates, although not literally mirrors wherein you see yourself, can be those who can tell you about how you look — most likely giving you a pleasant hint of your progress. Aside from your coach, they can tell you what changes they notice about your body. From there, you’ll know if you’re having good progress or not much.

As a family, you can be honest. This is also your role for others. It’s like giving sincere compliments when you see your classmate working out hard and succeeding. It’s nice to have people around you who appreciate you and who feel happy and amazed at your dedication and your steps forward.



Working out with like-minded people, you are more driven to do it! You have the motivation that there are many other people in that room who are striving to achieve a physically fit and healthy body. You’re even more inspired to begin and to end successfully. You share the same goals, the same frustrations and in the end, the same achievement!



Well, say it or not, when you’re in a fitness class, you might feel like doing better than others! Let’s say in a dance routine, you want to dance better than others. You’re not announcing it, but within you, it’s a subtle push that you must be working your best out!



Last but surely not the least, being in a group fitness class gives you no reason to get lazy and forget about your workout. This is a common struggle of people who want to begin working out. A beginning is truly difficult because there are other tasks you have to do or things you want to do. There must be discipline.

When you’re alone and when you’re free to designate a day and time for your workout, it’s more likely not to happen, but if you have a coach and fitness classmates, you’ll be reminded and influenced to come to class even when you feel lazy. Joining a group fitness class saves you from that deep pit on your bed or couch that swallows you to make you lazy and to get the “workout plan” out of your mind and to the gym’s floor.

There you have them! Now, it’s time for you to think again! Although it might be time and money demanding, joining a group fitness class has a lot of advantages which you won’t get alone at home. Don’t hesitate trying out. It might be the way for you to finally turn those “let’s work out tomorrow” plans from plans to reality.


Nicole Ann Pore is a daytime writer for Fitbiz, an Australian business nationally regarded as the benchmark in the Fitness industry, offering premium quality fitness equipment collection at affordable prices. She writes pieces focusing on the importance of being fit and healthy overall and the self-discipline that must go with them. She also does research on various gym and exercise equipment to give more information about how they work. | Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University-Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.

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