Top 5 Benefits of IV Sedation Dentistry


Smile is something that can win the world. Smile is the key to most things in life. And why not? A bright smile, if not anything, can get you through your hardest day. But we are aware of how hard it is to keep that smile bright and shining. The food we consume, carbonated drinks, our love for coffee, greasy fast food, everything affects our teeth. They add to the discoloration of our teeth. Regardless, we can’t keep our hands off of such scintillating food. And we also can’t compromise on having a bright smile. So what do we do?

We seek help, and science helps us in this situation. You see, toothbrush and varieties of toothpaste and even mouthwashes are not enough sometimes. At times you need to undergo the treatment of a dentist. Needles and syringes scare us all; but we do have to face our fears to get a bright smile, a healthy smile.

IV Sedation Dentistry


It is not easy to lie under the light and keep your mouth open for all pricking done by the dentist. But we do have an easy way out; it is called sedation. Sedation makes it easy. You will not feel the pain, pricking, and the plucking too. You will not have any such sensation.

What are the benefits of IV sedation dentistry?

No pain, only gain

Sedatives ease the pain out. Under mild sedation, the patient on the table is hardly aware of the syringes; or the tools pricking the gum. This is a blessing for the people who are a little too sensitive to pain or syringes. Often, mild sedatives are administered to children before any dental procedure. This helps the kids to cooperate with the dentist.

Ease your gag reflex

Sedation helps people with gag reflexes. Patients often complain about their strong gag reflex when they come for dental care. In such cases, sedation helps to combat the urge to choke or sputter. Gag reflexes can be due to both psychological and physiological responses. A mild sedative or oral sedative can address both these issues. The patient can be at ease after the sedation, throughout the procedure or treatment.

Beat nausea with the sedatives

Patients are sometimes sensitive to their surroundings. The smell of the medicines, the presence of so many tools, the dentist’s chamber itself can at times be overpowering and intimidating.

In such cases, the administration of mild sedatives can help patients cope with the nauseating effect of a dentist’s chamber. The sedation helps calm the nerves and induces an overall feeling of calmness. It cuts off the patient from the odor of the strong antiseptics, the sound of the drilling machine, the sight of the dentist with a syringe, and so on.

This is the case of patients with an anxiety disorder. Patients have the propensity to experience post-traumatic stress; such patients can avoid the risk of such an experience by undergoing mild sedation. These sorts of stress disorders are a result of fear; hence sedation helps to combat any such unfortunate fear-based reactions.


You are no more a liability

Sedation helps the dentist to perform multiple procedures. But how so? This is because multiple procedures need intensive care. But mild sedation will not only ease out the pain but will also help you to reduce the cost of the after-procedure care.

No sensation, no memories

One of the most welcoming features of IV sedation dentistry or other sorts of oral sedation is their amnesic effect. The dose given by the doctor is as such that the patient will sail through the whole procedure without feeling any pain, and nausea, and so on. But the sedation also leaves the patient a little less lucid about the procedure. At times, they remember little or nothing about the procedure. This effect alone can be a lot of help to the patients who deal with post-stress disorder, anxiety, or who have had traumatic dental experience in the past.


IV sedation can be used in children and teens as well. But the dose of the sedative becomes crucial. And there are also various types of sedatives available; each with a specific set of effects. Some are used to affect the brain or the central nervous system to reduce the fear and anxiety; some are used to induce deep relaxation; while some others are used for complete sedation.

IV sedation, of course, works faster than the oral sedatives. The availability of sedatives and advanced trained dentists to administer it is a boon to people with anxiety and people with the fear of undergoing such an intimidating procedure. Now you can have that bright smile and healthy set of teeth without much worrying about the needles and syringes.