Top 10 Elements to add to your Home Décor


We, humans, live in a jungle, a jungle made of concrete. We are working hard, pushing our limits to achieve more and more. It’s true that we never get satisfied with whatever we have and always busy in doing a rat race.

Hard work pays off in both positive and negative ways. You do your 9 to 5 job and also work late night to complete the projects and hit the deadlines, doing this may help you in getting higher job ranks but it is also costing your health at the same time.

You may think that you are the busiest person on this blue planet and don’t have enough time to relax. Wait, buddy, give some time to yourself. Get relaxed and calm your senses.

The interior of your house will help you in getting more relaxed and you may need to add few elements to your home décor to make it more soothing that’s why I have made this list of top 10 elements to add to your home décor. Most of these items can be easily ordered online from any top UK brands and stores.


Frames are one of the must-have elements for any home décor. We capture moments and memories in photos and it will be really great to pin some good memories on your bedroom wall.

Frames add life to the concrete walls and you must make an effort to pin a good collection of frames. If you have a few great prints then place them on your wall to add more elegance to your wall.

2.Wall Clocks

Wall clocks are a lot more than just timepieces. If you have a good antique collection of wall clocks your home walls can be the perfect place to boost your collection.

Wall clocks are one of the most basic home décor accessories and if you don’t have one, spend money on buying a decent wall clock this year.


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There is tons of household stuff we keep in our home and if that stuff were not kept in an organized way then it will look messy. Shelves can help you in keeping your home mess-free and create extra space at the same time.

You can go with the classic or trendy wall shelves but trendy shelves can turn the boring walls of your home into a piece of art. You can consult your interior designer of buy shelve from the market according to your house space and design to create additional space.



Make sure to add rugs to your home décor elements. The most common concept about rugs is that they can be used only at the door front or in the bedroom but the fact is that there are various kinds of rugs available for almost every part of the house.

You can use rugs in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, drawing room or even on your bed. If compared to other home décor elements you can go with inexpensive rugs without compromising with the latest fashion and your comfortability.

5.Indoor Greenery

Indoor Greenery

Let some indoor plants to produce fresh air in your concrete house. There are many types of indoor plants available which can help your lungs in absorbing fresh air.

Vehicle emissions can cause many health diseases and damage many parts of our body including the eyes, lungs, skin etc. You won’t believe but the air inside your home is also polluted and not safe for your health.

Indoor greenery makes the indoor environment more soothing as well as provides fresh air to breathe. 3 to 4 indoor plants can produce enough oxygen for a person throughout the day. Thus you must make effort to plant more indoor plants in your home.

6.Indoor fountain

Indoor fountains could be a great item to include in the list of your home décor elements. Indoor fountains are very small compared to standard fountains and can be installed easily.

The concept of the indoor fountain is great but it can be awesome if you will go with an indoor fish fountain. Trust me this can be the center of attraction of your home and will add new heights in the beauty of your home. Call the professionals to install an indoor fish fountain in your home.



You can’t ignore the importance of furniture in your home. If you are living in megacities and own a small apartment then you must go with foldable and edge-free furniture.

Foldable or multipurpose furniture is the need of time and gaining popularity rapidly. If you are the king of your big house then you must replace your traditional wooden pieces with the latest furniture to add more elegance to your home décor.



Lighting plays an important role in revealing the beauty of your home. Make an effort to put signature lighting accessories according to the rooms. The lighting accessories for your kitchen will not compliment your bedroom, so do some research or call professionals to install lighting in your home.

Go with the LED lights, these lights consume less energy as well as come in many attractive shapes and sizes.

9.Faux Antlers/Sculpture


Antlers are the classic accessories for walls but you don’t need to kill a dear or moose for getting an antler. The real antlers can be replaced with faux antlers and the best thing is that they will look unique. These faux antlers are made with different materials and can be perfectly placed above an art piece to compliment it.

Sculptures can be a great element to add to your home décor. Sculptures personalize your room and also reflect your hobby and interest.

10.Rich Colors

Rich colors calm your senses and help in bringing peace of mind but avoid putting too many rich colors in each and every part of your house. Make effort to balance the colors.

You can go with some traditional masterpieces such as rugs, curtains, bed sheets, vessels, pots etc because they are vibrant and rich in colors.

Final Words:

The world of interior designing has been changed a lot and it has become a huge market. It will be difficult for you to decorate your house like a celebrity (you are the celebrity of your house, LOL) but after adding these elements to your home décor will give it a completely different look.